Thursday, February 7, 2019

Essential things everyone should know regarding discolored tongue

Tongue – The muscular organ that helps us to speak, taste the food items we eat and helps us in a diverse manner. It is made up of a group of muscles and covered with a pink tissue called mucosa.  Besides this, the tongue comprises with small nodules named Papillae which holds the taste buds.

A healthy tongue appears in pale pink color. The frequent usage of tongue stains the tongue as well as our teeth. You may notice people with white, yellow, brown and black colored tongue.

Such discolorations occur due to the accumulation of dead skin cells, bacteria on the tongue surface. Apart from this, various factors are related to the discolored tongue. Dr. Hussain Al Saleh, one of the best dentists in Dubai has explained them in this post.

What are the factors behind a white tongue?

In general, various disorders are linked to the white patches that appear on the tongue. They are as follows:

  • Oral thrushIt is a kind of a yeast infection which causes white patches in various parts of our mouth like lips, gum layers along with tongue. This occurs as a side effect of certain antibiotics and medications. People who wear dentures are highly prone to oral thrush.
  • Leukoplakia -  This is a condition that induces the excessive growth of cells. With the increased number of dead cells, the larger is the white colored patches on the tongue. Smokers and people who consume tobacco products are vulnerable to his complication.
  • Oral lichen Planus – It is also a health disorder which leads to a white colored tongue but the root cause of this issue is not yet identified.

What causes a yellow tongue?

  • Jaundice – Jaundice is a condition which makes certain parts of our body turns yellow.  If you notice yellow spots on your tongue, visit your Doctor immediately because it may be a symptom of liver disease or a bile duct blockage.
  • Excess of Bilirubin – Bilirubin is a yellow pigment that produces due to the rupture of red blood cells. If our liver does not function properly, the pigment will not be removed efficiently. It leads to an increase of bilirubin in the blood and causes yellow patches on the skin, tongue, etc.

What makes our tongue appear black in color?

  • Bacteria – Bacterial deposition is the main reason for the black colored tongue. Oral complications like dry mouth accelerate this problem. 
  • Smoking - Nicotine present in cigarettes are powerful to dirt our lips as well as the tongue.
  • Bismuth – Antibiotics which contain Bismuth like Pepto-Bismol cause hairy black tongue. 

People who receive chemotherapy treatments, who have diabetes also have high chances of the black tongue.

Why does your tongue appear dark red in color?

  • Kawasaki Syndrome – This disease affects the blood vessels of our body. When the blood vessels are infected, they are inflamed and obstructs the blood flow. This in turn, causes swelling and redness in the body parts like tongue.
  • Vitamin Deficiency – People who are deficient in Vitamin B-12 and folic acid have higher chances of the reddish tongue.
  • Geographic Tongue – This is a condition that causes red spots on various spots of the tongue like a map structure. As it is harmless, you don't need worry. If it persists more than 2 weeks, visit your Dentist.

Poor Oral hygiene, smoking, alcohol consumption, imperfection in fitting dental instruments, certain oral complications are the main reasons for tongue discoloration. The above-mentioned factors take advantage of the bacterial growth and discolor our tongue at faster rates. 

We recommend everyone o include tongue cleaning as a part of your daily dental hygiene routine.

If you encounter tongue discoloration for many weeks or months, consult your Doctor because it may be a symptom of serious diseases like liver disorders, AIDS, etc.