Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Why do you prefer Dental implants for Teeth Replacement?

Due to aging, the bone support of our teeth becomes weak. It makes the teeth fall down. Similarly, physical injuries also damage the inner tissues of a tooth and loosen the bone support which results in tooth loss. 
Missing tooth or lost tooth is one of the common dental issues with which most people are affected by.
Missing tooth is not just only a cosmetic issue. It will become a gateway for serious oral issues if it is left untreated for a while. People with missing tooth or teeth are at higher risk of facial deformities, gum diseases, etc. The chances are higher that the neighbor teeth of missing tooth also lose their bone support and fall down.
Hence it is important to fill the space with dental bridges or dental implants. You can also get single tooth dental implants to restore the missing tooth.

Benefits of single tooth implants over dental bridges

Both dental bridges and dental implants will help you to do teeth replacement and recover your beautiful smile.  
But in contrast, if we compare both the dental treatments, implant dentistry will stand top due to its benefits that are listed below:
  • Dental implants restore the missing tooth without affecting the adjacent teeth. But in dental bridges, the adjacent teeth need to be minimized in order to support the cemented bridge.
  • As years pass by, there is a subsidiary in the gum level present around the dental bridges. This makes the metallic base of the bridge becomes visible which affects the aesthetic of your smile. You will not encounter this defect or issue with dental implants or single tooth implants.
  • The artificial tooth or teeth you got with implants are easier to clean when compared to bridges.
  • In Dental implant surgery, a screw is inserted into the jaw through our gums. The bone integrates with the metallic screw after few days. This will act as a root for the artificial tooth (Dental implant) that assures the longer durability of the implant. Such tooth root and longer durability will not be provided by dental bridges.
  • Dental implants give you the bite strength similar to that given by a natural tooth. But you can get only the half level of that strength with fixed dentures and dental bridges.

Disadvantages of dental implants

There are few disadvantages associated with dental implants that are as follows:
  • Single tooth implants and Dental implants are quite expensive when compared to dental bridges.
  • This requires dental implant surgery to fix the artificial teeth. The patient feels a slight pain in the implant site during the healing period which lasts for 6 to 12 weeks.
  • The artificial tooth is covered with a dental crown to make the tooth appear like a natural tooth. Even though the implant lasts for many years, the crown lasts only 10 to 15 years.


Nowadays, most of the dental implants are Endosteal that fixes the implant in the jaw bone. This makes the implant comes along with you for your entire lifetime. 
Remember that the durability of the implants depends on your oral hygiene routine and your oral habits. You should be careful and follow certain measures like quit smoking for few days after the implant surgery to enjoy the benefits offered by the implants.

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